one woods press

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“Shrink Down, Abstract Up”: Tools for Evoking Metaphorical Thought

“Metaphor is the raw uranium of writing.”

– Alvin Knox


  • Willingness to exercise a fluid mindset.

  • Willingness to send your critic to tea.

  • Twenty minutes (ideally)

Choose a primary element to approach: Anything!

1. Describe it concretely:

  • Use intricate detail. Shrink down inside each detail and describe it, shrinking deeper down in further detail.

  • Use all your senses. If you do not know what the primary element smells like, make it up.

  • Be inventive!

2. Record your first physical encounter with the primary element.

  • Observe the encounter omnisciently.

  • Enter slow motion and engage all your physical senses.

  • Do not write about your emotional state or response.

  • Consider: Where, When, the Season, the Weather, the Event, your Company, What preceded the encounter with your primary object.

  • How did you physically feel in the moment?

3. Recall a recent encounter with the primary object.

  • Describe it physically.

  • But allow an element of personal thought: How do you deal with the object? How do you respond?

4. Give the primary element a form capable of sentient thought, a form you can address and expect it to understand.